Generative Anthropology

Generative Anthropology

Generative Anthropology (GA) is an attempt to come to grips with the fact that human language represents not a gradual development from animal communication but a radical break from it.

To learn more about Generative Anthropology, and the Originary Scene, we hope you'll find this site a useful point of origin.

Learning Resources:

Books about Generative Anthropology:

I would recommend two books for those new to GA: The Origin of Language by Eric Gans & Anthropomorphics by Dennis Bouvard. They are both concise and powerful introductions to this new way of thinking.

  1. The Origin of Language:
  2. Anthropomorphics:

Blogs about Generative Anthropology:

Dennis Bouvard writes about GA on Substack:

Eric Gans has an active blog:

Meet other Generative Anthropologists:

To learn more about GA, or join a GA reading group send us DM on Twitter or an email at

You can also sign up for the free newsletter for updates:

If you're interested in writing a paper, the Call for Papers for the 16th GASC Conference is now open: